​​Electronic Arts CEO Says NFTs, Play-to-Earn Are The Future Of Gaming IndustryElectronic Arts, the

​​Electronic Arts CEO Says NFTs, Play-to-Earn Are The Future Of Gaming Industry

Electronic Arts, the company behind gaming sports franchises like FIFA and NBA moves to consider the importance of new technologies such as NFTs and the play-to-earn model for the gaming industry.

Andrew Wilson, Electronic Arts’ CEO gives more explanation while having the conversation around NFTs and play-to-earn, noting its still very early and cannot be ignored as an important part of what might be to come in the industry.


​​Electronic Arts CEO Says NFTs, Play-to-Earn Are The Future Of Gaming Industry

Electronic Arts, the company behind gaming sports franchises like FIFA and NBA moves to consider the importance of new technologies such as NFTs and the play-to-earn model for the gaming industry.

Andrew Wilson, Electronic Arts’ CEO gives more explanation while having the conversation around NFTs and play-to-earn, noting its still very early and cannot be ignored as an important part of what might be to come in the industry.


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