Differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of applying holistic and partial thinking


Since a human has the capacity to reflect on one's experiences and has a never - ending need to learn and discover, philosophy will remain the most interesting discipline that will always make one's mind active. As long as he wonders, doubts; and always confronted with many experiences and most especially has an insatiable desire to look for the truth, there's always a need to philosophize. As we are confronted with questions or situations, how do we apply our analytical perspective on it?

Holistic and partial thinking will help our mind to have a meaningful existence as we go on in our journey in life. This will be more memorable if he continues his journey and his mind is engaged in constant reflection.

Holistic thinking refers to a perspective that considers large scale patterns in systems. This is often described as looking at the big picture when describing and analyzing a situation or problem. A holistic perspective requires an individual to have an open mindset and an ability to get the general sense or impression regarding a situation.

Thinking holistically is the opposite of analyzing something, which involves breaking down a larger into its details. Holistic medicine is a prominent example of holistic thinking. A medical professional who believes in holistic care considers the relationship between the mind, body and spirit. For example, holistic doctors dont just provide patients with medications. Instead, they look at ways to improve life balance and eradicate health problems from their root source, such as high stress or bad nutrition.

Holistic thinking is important for a company leader who must understand how the different functions of the business work together to achieve shared goals. Holistic thinking allows a leader to designate the responsibilities of each department while keeping the big picture in mind.

While holistic thinkers may receive criticism for lacking attention to detail, they may also experience less stress during minor hiccups on the way to achieving big picture goals.

Partial thinking, on the other hand, focuses on specific aspects of a situation. The partial view is an important component of analytical thinking, as an individual that focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it. Though partial thinking is useful, philosophy utilizes holistic thinking in making sense of problems and issues related to the human experience.

Reflection requires a person to be willing to examine ones thoughts, feelings, and actions and to learn more about ones life and experiences. Reflection allows ones individual to an opportunity to think more deeply about ones action, motivations for doing such an action, and even its possible consequences. Reflection is vital in ensuring that our actions and decisions are well thought out and done with due regard for their implications and consequences on ourselves and our actions better. When we reflect, we can judge whether our actions or decisions are reasonable or not. Taking time to analyze ones decisions and actions is one vital skill that will greatly help as one encounter more challenges in life.

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