Difference between hearing and listening ppt

Hearing And Listening??? - Ppt Download

Hi All,
I would like to know the diffrencces between hearing and listening...
Please explain... I am a bit confused...
hi shweta,
it is generally said that "hearing is through ears & listening is through mind". :D
when you understand something while hearing, it becomes listening.
i hope you can get some difference now..
warm regards,
both are done through ears.....
yet the difference lies in perspective ...
hearing is a defense mechanism in our body wherein we filter n discard unnecassary stuff.. takke the example of visual stimulus, if you remembered everything then one would go mad in a month overloaded with all that info..
listening is one does so with the purpose of gaining an insight into other person' perspective... it should be non judgemental. also one should not think of arguing back with more soldi reasons, then it ceases to be learning....
actually unlearning is tougher than learning....
VK Sathyajit
Dear Swetha
Attached please find a presentation on Listening. You will get an insight to what you are looking for.
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Dharmandar Attal
Dear Shweta,

Consider this,

Your are n a hall full of people.

And you are listenining all the babble of people, a lot of noises you are not able to make it out who is talking to whom but a lot of noise.

And right now you are hearing.

and suddenly you hear something a few feet away which is of interest to you, and you start concentrating.

the more yo concnetrate the more you find it of interest, and you find that it is so interesting the all voices of the background are irrevalent to you now.

and now you are listening to that conversation although you are not a part of it, but is is of your interest.

Your mind as per your interest and conenience have programmed your thinkining process to concentrate only on the single subject which happens to be that subject.

This can be elaborated further but I hopr now you know what's the difference between hearing and listening.

It's all about ur interest, your liking and your crave for your desired thing whatever it is.

you hear hear when nothing is of interest to you.

you listen when it is appealing and feel is of interest to you.

Application are enormous of this.


Dharmandar Attal

OD Consultant

+91 9810643099

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jus 2 add 2 de above comments.....
u listen 2 what u hear....!!
in our everyday routine....we hear all sorts of things.....however we choose 2 listen 2 only those which interets us.....
listening gives the heard noise/voice a propper meaning....
For Eg: in a classromm....u can hear de teacher lecturing....however are you listening to it...paying attention?? only if u do so can de voice heard become meaning ful...!!
hope ur clear to some extent :?
Ritu, Sneha, Dharmandar, Vksathyajit and Surya...
Thanks a ton...
I have learnt alot...
Now I am very clear with the diffrences...
Thanks again for explaining it so nicely...
Pradeep Bajaj
Listening is the better part of conversation, and is an art, requires patience, and is, of course rewarding.
You already have a lot of inputs on the difference between listening and hearing.
Pradeep Bajaj
Hearing is a physiogical process wherein sound waves reach the hearing center in the brain through our ears. So technically, if you have a normal hearing- you will definitely hear. But listening is when you also involve your mind , heart and soul - when you can understand the subtext [ emotions and thoughts] behind the words, the silence beteween words and the person's body language as well. Listening requires empathy, undrstanding and a genuine interest in what the person is saying.
Dr. Sadhana Nayak
Voice Medicine and Phonetics Specialist and Voice Performance Consultant
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