Desktop icons copying themselves

From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

Managing desktop icons

From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Managing desktop icons

- [Dan] Windows offers no rules about Desktop icons though it's strongly suggested that you don't save items directly to the Desktop and instead use your account's folder system to keep your files organized. Beyond that the Desktop can be adorned with up to four system icons, to control whether or not these icons appear press the Windows + I keyboard shortcut to bring up the Settings app. Choose Personalization, Themes, and scroll down to Desktop icon settings. Here are the four icons, there's computer, your personal folders, Network, and the Recycle Bin full or empty. Add or remove a check mark to show or hide the icon respectively, and you can set the icon's appearance by clicking it here and then clicking the Change Icons button and you can choose another icon if you wanna have fun I don't, so I'll click OK. Beyond these icons you can decorate the Desktop with your own icons, I've seen Desktops with hundreds of icons, which is messy, but if that's how you work, so be it. My choice is to send only shortcuts to my current work folders as well as other items I use frequently to the Desktop. For example, I'm gonna navigate to my current work folder. Let's open up a Windows Explorer window and Documents, and there's my work folder right there. So to put a copy of this folder on the Desktop, I right click, choose Send to, Desktop, create shortcut and there it is! Windows places shortcut icons on this Desktop in the upper-left corner marching down in columns. You can move the icon to anywhere and it should stick to a grid which can help you organize things and keep them however you like to see them. If you have trouble moving an icon in this manner then the Desktop may be configured to auto arrange the icons. To confirm right click on the Desktop, choose View, and if it's set, remove the check mark by Auto arrange icons. You can also check the Align icons to grid item to ensure that everything snaps up in nice even rows and columns and if you don't like nice even rows and columns uncheck this item, and if the icons bother you altogether you can hide them. Just choose Show Desktop icons, and they're gone! Now the command hasn't deleted everything, you can bring 'em back just by showing them again but if you do wanna remove an icon, other than the four system icons shown earlier, just drag it to the trash. As long as the icon is a shortcut as shown here by the little shortcut arrow in the lower-left corner of the icon, then deleting it doesn't delete the original file or folder. Messy Desktop or organized that's how you keep your Desktop icons under control.

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  • 1. Operating System 1. Operating System
    • Dealing with a bad sign-in
      2m 39s
    • Doing a Windows checkup
      2m 45s
    • Recovering a deleted file
      2m 54s
    • Locating a lost file
      2m 34s
    • Rolling back an update
      2m 17s
    • Fixing a full hard drive
      4m 28s
    • Controlling the taskbar
      2m 55s
    • Speeding up a slow computer
      2m 48s
    • Uninstalling software
      1m 40s
    • Mapping a network drive
      2m 48s
    • Managing desktop icons
      3m 12s
    • Configuring system updates
      2m 13s
    • Formatting media
      2m 22s
    • Setting laptop power options
      3m 43s
    • Setting desktop power options
      3m 21s
    • Dealing with an unknown file type
      3m 55s
    • Restarting the operating system
      2m 43s
    • Renaming a group of files
      1m 41s
    • Opening an unknown file attachment
      1m 48s
    • Knowing when to call for help
      2m 59s
  • 2. Networking 2. Networking
    • Finding the PC's IP address
      2m 46s
    • Understanding networking terms
      3m 8s
    • Reviewing network layout
      2m 23s
    • Troubleshooting the network connection
      2m 9s
    • Managing Wi-Fi networks
      2m 15s
    • Restarting the network
      2m 18s
    • Checking network privacy
      1m 56s
    • Accessing a shared folder
    • Sharing a folder
      2m 10s
    • Updating the Wi-Fi password
      1m 18s
    • Checking your internet speed
      1m 27s
    • Mapping a network drive
      2m 42s
    • Working with a flakey Wi-Fi connection
      2m 26s
  • 3. Security 3. Security
    • Being password smart
      2m 37s
    • Updating your password
      2m 14s
    • Spotting a secure website
      2m 30s
    • Recognizing a phishing attack email
      2m 24s
    • Clearing the browser history
      2m 40s
    • Reviewing Wi-Fi security options
      2m 25s
    • Managing online passwords
      2m 9s
    • Disabling Windows remote desktop access
      1m 47s
    • Running Windows Defender
      1m 54s
    • Understanding website certificates
      2m 20s
  • 4. Hardware 4. Hardware
    • Checking a bad keyboard or mouse
      1m 36s
    • Understanding PC sound connections
      1m 57s
    • Turning off a stubborn computer
      1m 38s
    • Identifying odd computer noises
      1m 50s
  • 5. Microsoft Office 5. Microsoft Office
    • Disabling the backstage
    • Showing [and hiding] the ribbon
      1m 23s
    • Selecting another printer
      2m 19s
    • Repairing an Office installation
      1m 27s
    • Updating the Quick Access Toolbar
      2m 6s
    • Excel: Freezing rows or columns
      2m 2s
    • Excel: Understanding hash errors
      2m 24s
    • Excel: Using the single quote
      1m 22s
    • PowerPoint: Starting a presentation
      1m 20s
    • PowerPoint: Move around a presentation
      2m 9s
    • PowerPoint: Create a slideshow video
      2m 25s
    • PowerPoint: Slideshow tips
    • Word: Centering a page
      2m 25s
    • Word: Adding a page border
      2m 14s
    • Word: Changing the default font
      2m 19s
    • Word: Removing the last blank page
      2m 2s
    • Word: Rotating a single page
      2m 4s
    • Word: Restoring the Save All command
      1m 17s
    • Word: Setting tab stops
      3m 4s
  • 6. Windows 10 6. Windows 10
    • Creating a new task view
      2m 2s
    • Changing AutoPlay behavior
      1m 23s
    • Pruning recent file lists
      1m 44s
    • Reviewing keyboard shortcuts
      2m 38s
    • Configuring Windows 10 sync
      1m 56s
    • Arranging windows
      1m 28s
    • Saving your eyes with dark mode
      1m 15s
    • Using night light
      1m 53s
    • Ratcheting up privacy protection
      1m 51s
    • Understanding Quick Access
      1m 40s
  • 7. Troubleshooting 7. Troubleshooting
    • Accepting why things go wrong
      2m 21s
    • Checking the hardware
      1m 54s
    • Locating troubleshooting tools
      3m 19s
    • Using the Task Manager
      2m 11s
    • Activating File History
      2m 16s
    • Reviewing events
      2m 14s
    • Recovering an earlier version of a file
      2m 32s
    • Restoring files from a backup
      2m 13s
    • Setting a restore point
      2m 6s
    • Using system restore
      1m 54s
  • 8. Laptop Assistance 8. Laptop Assistance
    • Preparing for a road trip
      2m 49s
    • Going on the road
      3m 24s
    • Configuring the power buttons
      1m 50s
    • Adding a full-size monitor and keyboard
      2m 35s
    • Entering tablet mode
      2m 21s
    • Connecting to a projector
      2m 40s
    • Exploring keyboard secrets
      2m 9s
    • Working with the touch keyboard
      2m 56s
    • Protecting your laptop
      3m 16s
    • Connecting to a VPN
      2m 7s
  • 9. Shortcuts and Time-Savers 9. Shortcuts and Time-Savers
    • Pinning items to the taskbar
      2m 34s
    • Adding the address bar
      2m 24s
    • Sending favorites to the desktop
      2m 34s
    • Changing file association
      2m 43s
    • Safely removing external storag
      2m 10s
    • Recognizing USB colors
      3m 6s
    • Launching a program at startup
      2m 28s
    • Using pins for popular files
      2m 1s
    • Useful keyboard and mouse shortcuts
      2m 49s
    • Panic-driven keyboard shortcuts
      2m 19s
  • 10. Images and Graphics 10. Images and Graphics
    • Fixing a photo
      2m 26s
    • Changing image file formats
      1m 46s
  • 11. PC Performance 11. PC Performance
    • Monitoring performance
      2m 38s
    • Disabling Windows background services
      2m 18s
    • Understanding memory leaks
      2m 58s
    • Stopping a stuck program
      2m 47s
    • Using file and drive compression
      3m 9s
    • Adding a second hard drive
      3m 14s
    • Adding more memory
      2m 55s
    • Disabling startup programs
      2m 2s
    • Improving hard drive performance
      2m 43s
    • Reviewing system performance
  • 12. Storage Management 12. Storage Management
    • Looking at storage
      2m 28s
    • Visiting the Disk Management console
      2m 57s
    • Preparing a new drive
      2m 25s
    • Partitioning a new drive
      3m 3s
    • Repartitioning a drive
      3m 4s
    • Extending and shrinking partitions
      3m 17s
    • Creating a mirrored volume
      3m 1s
    • Formatting and reformatting media
      2m 17s
    • Reassigning drive letters
      3m 42s
    • Mounting an external drive
      3m 39s
  • 13. File Management 13. File Management
    • Creating files, rules, and limitations
      2m 47s
    • Organizing files in folders
      3m 44s
    • Moving and duplicating files
      3m 1s
    • Working with removable storage
      2m 12s
    • Archiving files and folders
      3m 26s
    • Deleting and recovering files
      3m 1s
    • Creating a shortcut
      3m 26s
    • Starting a new item
      2m 53s
    • Opening a file with a specific program
      2m 56s
    • Marking files as read-only or hidden
      3m 18s
  • 14. General Computer 14. General Computer
    • Locking the PC
      2m 16s
    • Stopping a print job
      2m 3s
    • Adding more USB devices
      2m 14s
    • Buying a new PC or laptop
      3m 4s
    • Using a UPS
      3m 25s
    • Updating the graphics driver
      2m 8s
    • Starting the Windows recovery environment
      2m 30s
    • Entering safe mode
      2m 36s
    • Using a foreign-language keyboard
      3m 16s
    • Applying BitLocker protection
      3m 41s
  • 15. Acrobat and PDF Tips 15. Acrobat and PDF Tips
    • PDF tips and tricks
      3m 18s
    • Filling in and signing a PDF form
      2m 49s

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