Chrome remote desktop Ubuntu same session

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  • Remote Desktop

Install and Setup Chrome Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04

August 8, 2019

In this guide, we are going to learn how to install and setup Chrome Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04. Google has developed a remote desktop tool called Chrome Remote Desktop that allows users to remotely access and control another computer over the Internet through aprotocol called Chromoting on Google Chrome browsers.

Install and Setup Chrome Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04

To setup Ubuntu 18.04 to be accessed via Chrome Remote Desktop, follow the following steps.

Sign in to your Google account

Before you can proceed, fire up your Chrome browser and navigate to Google login page and sign in to your Google Account using your gmail account.

Install Chrome Remote Desktop Extension

Once you are logged in to your Google account, proceed to install the Chrome Remote Desktop Extension on your Chrome browser.

To install the extension, navigate to Chrome Remote Desktop extension page and click add to Chrome. When clicked, a confirmation Window pops up. Click Add Extension to install the Chrome Remote Desktop extension on your browser.

Install Chrome Remote Desktop Package

When you add the Chrome Remote Desktop extension, download chrome remote desktop package which provides the required host components and install it as follows.

wget // install ./chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb

Chrome remote desktop installs as a service, chrome-remote-desktop.service and is set to run upon installation. It is also enabled to run system boot.

systemctl status chrome-remote-desktop chrome-remote-desktop.service - LSB: Chrome Remote Desktop service Loaded: loaded [/etc/init.d/chrome-remote-desktop; generated] Active: active [exited] since Thu 2019-08-08 09:34:17 EAT; 43s ago Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator[8] Tasks: 0 [limit: 2315] CGroup: /system.slice/chrome-remote-desktop.service Hag 08 09:34:16 amos systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Chrome Remote Desktop service... Hag 08 09:34:17 amos systemd[1]: Started LSB: Chrome Remote Desktop service.

It also creates a group called, chrome-remote-desktop.

Allow Remote Desktop Connections

To allow remote computers to connect to your desktop, click on the Chrome Remote Desktop extension on the extensions bar or simply enter the address //

Click TURN ON to enable remote desktop access.

Next, set the system name.

Set the remote desktop connection PIN. This is the authentication PIN that the remote user will need to use to access your remote desktop.

Click Start to start Chrome remote desktop daemon. If you had logged in as non root user, you are prompted to authenticate in order to run chrome-remote-desktop service as superuser. At the sametime, the same user is added to chrome-remote-desktop group.

When the setup is done, your remote desktop goes online and you can now be able to access it remotely.

Accessing Ubuntu 18.04 through Chrome Remote Desktop

Now that the Chrome remote desktop is setup on your Ubuntu 18.04, if you need to access it remotely, you have to sign in to Google account using the same email that is used to on the remote system.

Once you sign in to your Google account, install the Chrome Remote Desktop extension and the Chrome Remote desktop Debian package as described above.

Once that is done, open the Chrome Remote desktop extension from the same Google account as on the remote system and you should be able to see your remote system online.

Click on the name of the remote system to start a remote session. You will be prompted to enter the remote desktop authentication password set above.

Click enter to authenticate to remote desktop.

You should now land on the remote desktop system user authentication screen. Login to access your system.

Upon successful authentication, you should get to your Ubuntu 18.04 remove desktop.

You have successfully connected to a remote desktop computer using Google chrome remote desktop.

And that brings to the end of our guide on how to install and setup Chrome Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04. Enjoy

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  • TAGS
  • Chrome remote desktop
  • Remote Desktop
  • Ubuntu 18.04
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