Can i ask you a favor là gì năm 2024

to speak or write to someone saying that you want them to do something, to give you something, or to allow you to do something:

ask sb's opinion Could I ask your opinion about something?

ask a favour Can I ask you a favour?/formal Can I ask a favour of you?

Từ điển từ đồng nghĩa: các từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa, và các ví dụ

  • ask forI asked the waiter for another glass.
  • requestThe department has requested permission to spend money on new equipment.
  • apply forWe applied for planning permission to build an extension.
  • demandPeople are demanding the right to return to their homes.
  • appeal forThe prime minister appealed for calm.
  • call forA group of religious leaders are calling for an end to racism and injustice in the city.

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ask verb [INVITE]

"Are you going to Muriel's party?" "No, I haven't been asked."

ask someone to something UK I've asked David to the party.

ask someone over Jorge has asked us over for dinner next Friday.

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ask yourself something


She needs to ask herself why nobody seems to like her.

You have to ask yourself what it is about this guy that makes him so successful.

I often ask myself what I'm doing here.

[Định nghĩa của ask từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press]

ask | Từ điển Anh Mỹ


"How much time do we have left?" he asked.

ask verb [INVITE]

"Are you going to Michelle’s party?" "No, I haven’t been asked."

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Các cụm động từ

[Định nghĩa của ask từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press]

Các ví dụ của ask


Upon acceptance of a paper, the author will be asked to transfer copyright to the publisher.

They agree, and then ask where she is planning to go.

Participants were given two digitally altered photographs and asked to find as many differences as they could.

For each of the six trials, children were asked to predict the returning character's false belief.

Such a perception prompts people to ask whether something valuable is lost when non-market modes of interaction are replaced by market ones.

The parent who requests a label does not ask to be enlightened, but to test and reinforce the child's lexicon.

The period of reference is the past 1 month and detailed questions were asked about the past 1 week.

Although teachers minimally are asked to perform as practitioners, it is preferable that they be encouraged to assume other roles as well.

Pupils were told that they could ask their teachers, another adult or friend for help with the sheets if they needed this.

The magician told the child she had hurt her hand and asked the child to get a band-aid from a backpack.

For our present purpose it is enough to ask what quantity the numerical solution is supposed to approximate, at least to a first-order approximation.

Subjects were asked to report ' worst lifetime ' symptoms.

The party preference equation represents the selection process that determined which respondents were asked the strategic party switching question.

Questions regarding the bill may then be asked, and debate follows.

Here, a story-completion approach was also used around attachment and emotion themes, and children were asked to complete the stories and describe the characters' feelings.

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