Cách viết Motivation letter xin việc

Motivation Letter for scholarship là gì? Hướng dẫn cách viết Cover letter hay Motivation Letter và mẫu Motivation Letter bày tỏ nguyện vọng cụ thể.

Motivation Letter [Thư bày tỏ nguyện vọng] hay còn được biết đến là Cover letter khá cần thiết trong một bộ hồ sơ du học xin học bổng hoặc xin việc. Hơi khác một chút so với SOP [Statement Of Purpose] thể hiện mục đích cần đạt được khi tham gia chương trình ứng tuyển, Motivation letter for scholarship là một bài luận khoảng 600 từ nêu được nguyện vọng và động lực khiến bạn nộp vào vị trí này. Nếu không cần có hai đơn riêng lẻ, bạn có thể gộp hai nội dung này vào làm một. 

Cùng internetstartup.vn xem cách viết các mẫu Motivation letter xin học bổng cụ thể ngay dưới đây:

Cách viết Cover letter xin học bổng

Điểm đắt giá của một lá thư bày tỏ nguyện vọng là nếu ra được những thông tin nổi bật nhất của bản thân.

Bạn đang xem: Mẫu motivation letter

Trước khi đặt bút viết một thư Motivation letter, bạn cần trả lời được những câu hỏi như vì sao mình muốn du học và chọn khóa học tại ngôi trường này; kỳ vọng của bạn vào khóa học này là gì; và bạn sẽ ứng dụng những điều đã học sau khi tốt nghiệp như thế nào, nó có giúp ích và đóng góp gì cho đất nước quê hương bạn.

Lên dàn ý trước bằng việc tự hỏi bản thân xem hội đồng tuyển sinh sẽ cần những tố chất gì của một ứng viên và ghi lại những điều đó kèm dẫn chứng, từ đó bạn sẽ có lỗi diễn đạt thật logic và thuyết phục. Ngoài ra, việc thể hiện vì sao mình phù hợp với khóa học, thành tích, sở thích hay động lực cụ thể nào đó để nộp đơn,... Tất cả cần có sự liên quan logic, hướng đến sự phát triển trong tương lai.

Những động lực để ứng tuyển vào trường có thể từ chủ quan hoặc khách quan. Các thông tin phải xác thực và có tính thuyết phục, không nên nêu những khó khăn hay gia cảnh bản thân bởi những người xét duyệt hồ sơ biết được đâu là sự thật trong những gì mà bạn kể. 

Mẫu thư bày tỏ nguyện vọng Motivation Letter xin học bổng và cách viết

Dàn bài sơ lược mẫu thư bày tỏ nguyện vọng:

- Mở bài: Giới thiệu vị trí bạn ứng tuyển và nguồn thông tin bạn biết đến học bổng, khóa học, công việc này.

- Thân bài: Những gì bạn đã tìm hiểu về trường, thể hiện sự quan tâm như những sự kiện nổi bật đã diễn ra tại trường, trang web,... và lý do bạn chọn ngành học tại ngôi trường này, những điểm mạnh của bản thân phù hợp với những gì họ đang tìm kiếm. 

Một số lý do, động lực ứng tuyển như:

+ Lý do chủ quan: mong muốn mở mang học vấn, phát triển sự nghiệp, từ niềm đam mê, phù hợp với kiến thức và kinh nghiệm của mình, câu chuyện đã từng trải qua, lựa chọn nghiên cứu lĩnh vực này vì đây là vấn đề cấp bách, chưa được xã hội giải quyết, muốn tiếp cận tri thức nhân loại...

+ Lý do khách quan: muốn đóng góp vào nền kinh tế, giáo dục quê hương, giúp đỡ những người khó khăn,...

- Kết luận: Lời cảm ơn và có thể bày tỏ sẽ trình bày rõ hơn với một cuộc phỏng vấn với đại diện nhà trường. 

Mẫu thư bày tỏ nguyện vọng Motivation letter

Cùng tham khảo những mẫu Motivation letter dưới đây, yếu tố cá nhân sẽ giúp bạn tạo được sự nổi bật trong số những ứng cử viên khác:

Mẫu Motivation letter xin học bổng German language summer school:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to express my interest in taking part in the Salzburg Summer School in Language and Culture. I am currently a second-year student at University of Tbilisi, Georgia, majoring in business. Even though the two don’t directly correlate, I have always had a deep interest in learning foreign culture.

When I was in high school, I took a German course for two months, and even after that I still study a bit in my free time. Although I’m still at the beginner’s level, I can understand basic communication between people when I ran into German speakers in my city.

I like languages, and I also volunteered to write subtitles in my language for foreign films in English and Russian language.

It would be an amazing opportunity to learn German language and the Austrian culture at University of Salzburg. The first time I heard someone speak German was a kid watching German cartoons on the Satellite TV. I became enthralled by the seeming melody of the language. After some year’s l heard some more on YouTube videos, I can tell that it’s an extremely beautiful and complex language, and I just fell in love with the flow of the sound. Plus, it’s an uncommon and unique language, at least in Georgia, and therefore it would be definitely a good challenge and also a pride to be able to speak it.

It is quite evident that there’s so much experience to gain, especially when you’re immersed in the culture itself. Not to mention that Austria is known to have a lot of cultural festivals and operas. There’s no doubt that this summer school would be so invaluable for me and for my future endeavors.

Furthermore, I firmly believe that the curricula of the summer school will provide the fundamentals of the language, which I plan to continue to improve post-returning to Georgia.

I am confident that you will find my application as a worthwhile investment. My attendance at this summer school is a wise investment and I would highly appreciate it to be being one of the selected participants. Since I am not in a position to finance my participation on my own I would also appreciate to be considered for a full scholarship for German language summer school, since this is the only possible way for me to practice my language skills.

Kind regards


Name Surname

Mẫu Motivation letter for a Bachelor of Computer Science:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the Bachelor program in Computer Science and Engineering, in which I am very interested. The degree from one of the most prestigious, superior and respected universities is my chance to enrich my knowledge and professionally outgrowth. Through this motivation letter, I would like to state my candidacy for enrolment in this undergraduate program.

In June 2017, I have finished my high school in Berlin in Germany and received the High school Diploma. In high school I have majored in the natural sciences. During the course of my studies I have took the most advanced courses in mathematics, chemistry and physics available in order to challenge myself and make sure that I will be well prepared for University. Even though sometimes it was hard to follow this combination of courses, due to really hard workload, I have given my best to obtain good grades thanks to my passion, commitment and hard work.

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My interest in programing and computers began during my primary school when I first came into contact with computer coding which is used to create the website. I was totally fascinated with the programing, and incented to start working on small projects of my own, creating other websites, mostly simple ones. I have followed online tutorials to solve the problems I have encountered on my way. It was really interesting and empowering to create something new, from the scratch.

Thanks to the summer internship I have completed with the well-known automotive company. I have worked there in the IT division, and thanks to my internship mentor I have learned about SQL for the first time. During first week of my internship I have learned the basics of the SQL and how to create the database. This experience was extremely important for my professional development because knowledge of SQL is essential for a work of one computer expert.

Throughout my schooling I have always participated in the opportunities that would enhance my leadership and team working skills. For example I took part in the organization of International Evening in my school. After the first year, I was elected to be a team leader in charge of organizing the participants and technical manager who delegated tasks for the duration of the events. Thanks to this experience I have learned that it is very important to take initiative whilst working in a team, but also that, as a leader, you must not expect the rest of the team to do all the work on their own.

Studying at University of Cambridge would be an excellent platform to build the synergies of my previous knowledge and competence I will gain through studying on the program for computer science and engineering. Moreover I believe that Cambridge diploma will open me many new opportunities in life and I am eager to undertake this challenge.

In conclusion, I would like to reconfirm that I am eager to gain new experiences, improve my skills and broaden my understanding of the dynamic IT world, and I am persuaded that studying in the B.A. in Computer science would contribute to my development as an IT specialist in the best possible way.

Thank you very much for considering my application.

Yours faithfully,

Name Surname

Mẫu Motivation letter for a Master degree in Interior Design:

Dear Sir, Madam

With this letter I am applying to Master of Arts Program in Interior Design and Spatial Planning at the University of Arts in Milan, Italy.

I hold a graduate degree in Building Surveying from University of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, which I have gained in October 2015. Studying at the University of Arts in Milan, a well-known academy, will give me the opportunity to benefit from its dynamic environment which develops creative thinking, under training and supervision of the best lecturers in my field of choice. Recent methods and realistic case studies in this university can prepare me to work in the industry after graduation.

My willingness to study in construction field, started from my teenage period when I found out about my parents’ background in building related jobs. It influenced me to enter a vocational high school to study architectural drawing and to follow the same approach by taking an associate degree at Interior Design from University of Berlin in Germany. I was eager to study in a more dynamic educational system and also passionate to challenge myself by living abroad to face my weaknesses and develop my diligent characteristics. Therefore, I started my bachelor in one of the best universities in Malaysia. During my bachelor, I gained knowledge on various aspects of building and factors affecting occupants’ comfort and health.

Taking my study path in different Built Environment fields, Architectural Drawing and Building Surveying, widened my view and persuaded me to enhance my knowledge in other related fields. Following my excitement in Green Building, I carried out my thesis and internship in relation to this area that taught me important factors in green and sustainable design. In addition, my previous ability in painting helped me a lot in representing my ideas. Having taken all these steps and the enthusiasm to design interior spaces, I find myself qualified to fulfil the requirements to study in Interior and Spatial Design program.

I privilege the refurbishment and renovation of interior environment, where possible, rather than building demolition, to keep the architectural identity of urban environments. Therefore, in my thesis, I focused on replacement of building elements to improve the existing buildings performance. I believe, whether to build a new building or renovate its interior spaces, only a proper interior and spatial design can positively enhance the application of the interior environment.

In my country many of the old buildings are being replaced with modern ones as a response to the needs for new spaces with different functions which are not in harmony with the local architecture. On the other hand, not all new projects are designed with proper interior spaces. That is why, I have a strong desire to be able to apply my knowledge in designing interior spaces for both existing and new settings in my country. Maintaining the existing precious buildings, and at the same time, properly meeting the needs for any range of interior functions are highly required in Iran where there is a huge number of old and historical buildings that can be saved and used for different functions. It is enthusiastic for me to be involved in undertaking such projects.

Having in mind above stated, I perceive as essential to continue postgraduate studies in a country which is well known for its history and knowledge in design and architecture. By studying at University of Arts in Milan I hope to learn about the recent design techniques and strategies so that I can apply them back in my country. The cross cultural learning environment of Your University which is specialized in architecture and industrial design is a great chance for me to develop my personal and professional skills.

To better introduce my background and skills I have enclosed the CV and portfolio together with this motivation letter. Thank you for considering my application.

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Yours faithfully,

Name Surname

Trên đây là cách viết thư bày tỏ nguyện vọng xin học bổng và các mẫu Motivation letter để bạn tham khảo có thêm định hướng viết, tăng thêm sức thuyết phục. Bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm nhiều thông tin hữu ích khác về tin tức nước Úc trong tuần về du học Úc, kinh nghiệm du lịch tại Australia và các dự án BĐS Úc được cập nhật liên tục trên internetstartup.vn.

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