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How To Make and Use Subliminal Bundles The Ultimate Guide

Hey, pretty people!

I have already brought a complete guide on how to use subliminals and how to make your own; both of those posts are perfect if youre just starting out with subliminal messages, but there is something I have never really mentioned: bundles.

A quick YouTube search will reveal a whole lot of those so-called subliminal bundles, but what exactly are they? Should you ditch your current playlist for them?

Lets sit down and straighten things out, shall we?

What Is A Subliminal Bundle?

Truthfully, a bundle is just a whole bunch of good, old-fashioned subliminals layered on top of each other. This practice creates a new audio that features all those tracks from before, without you having to listen to an entire playlist.

The benefits of the subliminals stay the same once they are bundled, but the timing is drastically cut; lets make an example, shall we?

Lets say you have a total of 10 subliminals in your playlist; instead of listening to them one after the other on loop, you could simply bundle them and listen to the bundle instead.

Now that we have defined this concept, its time to find out how to make your own subliminal bundles! You will find a lot more infos about bundles at the end of the post, dont worry.

STEP 1 Getting Your Subliminals

Obviously, the first thing you need to do is sort out your playlist; which subliminals do you want to include in your bundle?

You should sit down and really think about them; if you dont feel comfortable using subliminals you found on YouTube, you can easily make your own! Find out how here.

On the other hand, if youre set on using a pre-existing playlist made of YouTube subs, you should always check the info box. Maybe the creator has listed an official download link, or explains why their subliminals cannot be bundled.

Either way, you always want to know as much about the product as you possibly can; also, dont be afraid to ask the uploader questions and the permission to bundle the audio as well.

STEP 2 Downloading Your Subliminals

We have talked about sorting subliminals out and deciding which one are going to become part of your bundle; once you have them down, its time to download them.

It may be a little annoying, but you want to make sure your subs are downloaded in the highest quality possible; mp3 and/or mp4 arent exactly the best, which is why you should consider the .flac or .wav formats.

STEP 3 Mixing Your Tracks Down

To actually craft your subliminal bundle, you will need a simple mixing software to do it; the perfect [free] choice is Audacity. Feel free to use whichever program you prefer, though!

Start off by importing your tracks and make sure all of them are of the same length; the audios are just going to be sped up or the informations are going to be repeated, so dont be afraid of damaging the tracks. If youre using Audacity, you can do so by selecting the single track and then Change Tempo.

Then, you want to play around with the volumes and make sure all the audios are at comfortable volume. This may take a little work, but its crucial to make sure you wont be bothered by the end result of the bundle.

You can also lower the volume of the entire thing, but I would recommend doing so at the very end, just before exporting your whole bundle on your PC.

STEP 4 Exporting The File

Editing is going to take a whole lot of time, so you better be patient with it; on the other hand, once youre done, you can finally export your file out!

Once again, you want to keep it as high quality as possible, which is why I would suggest you to pick the OCG format. If youre using a different software from Audacity, try to pick the best format possible.

STEP 5 Making Your Video

Now that you have your audio ready, there are two thing you can possibly do; firstly, you could just stop here. You dont really need to do anything special to it, so feel free to stop here and enjoy your bundle!

On the other hand, you could make a little video out of it using pictures or other videos, like I said in my guide on how to make subliminals. I would suggest you not to add any other audio tracks other than your bundle as well; since you already have mixed down multiple tracks, you are going to have enough sounds and music as it is.

And thats pretty much it, you have made your own subliminal bundle!

A Few Infos About Bundles

Bundles are quite a new addition to the whole subliminal community, and I understand there could be some confusion about them.

How many subliminals can I include in my bundle? There is no specific number, to be honest. Your subconscious can process 20.000.000 bits of info per second, so dont limit your mind! Subliminal bundles can be made out of as many audios as you want.

Am I going to damage the bundle by mixing the tracks down?No, youre not. Once you have decided how long you want your bundle to be, you will simply need to shorten or lengthen the tracks accordingly; this means that the infos are just going to be sped up or repeated multiple times, depending on whether you are making them longer or shorter.

What if the affirmations are too low? Am I going to be able to hear them? Yes, you will. Remember, its not your conscious mind that has to hear the messages, but the subconscious; it will hear them, even if you dont think your regular ears will.

Can I use whicher subliminals I want in my bundle?Well, not exactly. It is always best to ask the uploader and ask them if you can bundle their creations, and maybe theyll give you a high-quality download link; in some cases, however, some creators will discourage this because of the power their subliminals hold. Remember: its always best to ask and be safer than sorry!

Can I include Binaural Beats and/or Frequencies in my bundle? I would greatly discourage that, to be honest. Those types of creations have their own frequencies, and are supposed to work alone; editing and mixing them down is only going to potentially damage them and make them ineffective, as well as your bundle in general.

Can I upload my bundle on YouTube?If you have received permission from the creators themselves and mention them in the info-box, you could; however, if you just feel better uploading it on YouTube for personal use, I would recommend listing it as a private video.

How many times can I listen to the bundle? Can I listen overnight?You can listen to your bundle how many times you want, and listening overnight is one of the best practices to have the infos reach your subconscious. However, always remember to take breaks every once in a while and drink lots of water, to make sure your mind isnt too tired.

Will the bundle give me faster results than my regular playlist?Usually, bundles are said to give much faster results than a simple playlist; on the other hand, there is always a key factor in play here: your beliefs. If you approach it with a closed mind and a negative feeling, you surely wont gain any faster results.


The Ultimate Guide on Subliminal Affirmations and Frequencies

How To Make Your Own Subliminals

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