bonerjam là gì - Nghĩa của từ bonerjam

bonerjam có nghĩa là

Music so good it could elicit sexual arousal.


The new We Came As Romans albums is chock full of bonerjams.

bonerjam có nghĩa là

1. To physically prevent someone from getting an erection 2. A preservative made out of erect penises 3. To dunk a ball with a hard cock, as in basketball 4. To "jam" someone with a boner, as in the act of sex 5. To get an erect penis stuck in a copy machine, prompting the error message: "BONERJAM"


1. He thought he was going to get some, but I showed him a picture of his mom giving birth; major bonerjam! 2. I killed all of Los Angeles Lakers, and I'm going to make a sweet bonerjam from it. 3. You- "Dude, did you see how much air I got on that bonerjam?"
Friend- "Yeah bro you straight slammed that ball in with your cock!" 4. Friend- "You get with that girl last night?"
You- "Yeah dude I bonerjammed her all night." 5. God, I really need to use this copy machine, but this idiot went and caused a bonerjam.

bonerjam có nghĩa là

When something unintentionally goes wrong that isn't trivial or earth shattering. A shitty situation that can be humorous.


Larry: "After Ben nailed that nasty chick on Halloween he locked her out of his room forcing Ed to share his bed with her for the night..."
Jeff: "Bonerjam, dude."

bonerjam có nghĩa là

a play list someone puts on thier computer, ipod cd, order to get in the mood.


"oh man, i invited that girl over last night."
"nice...did you score?"
"I just turned on the bonerjams, and it was game on."

bonerjam có nghĩa là

A song to get your grind on to. Founded by Barry White.


I'll make love to you, by Boyz2Men, is a huge Bonerjam.

bonerjam có nghĩa là

1] bonerjam: is a painful condition which comes about when a man gets overzealous when thrusting during sexual intercourse and proceeds to completely exit the orifice and forcefully jams his erected penis against a non penetrable surface such as a taint or cheek. The word bonerjam can be used as either a noun or a verb depending on the context. 2] bonerjam: a party in which all participants must be willing to openly admit to having an erection as is the goal of the celebration. One important and necessary aspect of all bonerjams is that rap music with overly crude lyrics is constantly played at a very loud and pulsating volume.


1] "Ouch!"
"What was that, Honey?"
"Dammit, I just gave myself some serious bonerjam! God my dick hurts!" 2] Someone call the doctor, because this bonerjam is gonna last way longer than four hours!

bonerjam có nghĩa là

bonerjam is a party you have the day before canada day .... you have to make t-shirts for it go camping drink alot of alcoholic beverages .... one person has to puke before the night is over...but they dont have to puke from too much alcohol just puke in general and they have to have eaten ketchup chips , hotdogs and marshmellows so it looks liek raw meat when it comes out .... you also have barge in on someone else's site while they are partying also and tell them you just graduated and introduce everyone and talk to them .... at somepoint in the night someone [a guy] has to take a shit in the girls bathroom and while someones shitting someone else has to steal a canadian flag from someones lawn ... if there are no flags around then someone should just piss on a fire


bonerjam was bonerific ! ..... just hangout all night drink alcohol and have fun

bonerjam có nghĩa là

1. a bonerjam is where individuals gather, as many would gather for a party or fiesta, and have so much fun dancing with each other to music that causes individuals to jam, or dance to, and in the process forcing the males to achieve a mind-blowing erection. Females can achieve a boner jam by developing increased hardening in their nipples and a moistness in their vaginal area. The difference between males and females is that the male must jam his boner into something and the female must have her vaginajammed with a boner. Out of this act a dish may be contrived, known as bonerjambalaya, with its roots in Creole culture. individual that sucks so hard at life that he dances, or jams, to music but he is such a loser, or boner that his dancing is referred to as a "bonerjam". Those dubbed "bonerjam" are never very popular with the general public.


1.Bryan and all his friends had such a fun time at the beach that when someone started blasting Lady Gaga, a bonerjam ensued, resulting in a very dirty and sandy bonerjambalaya that was left in puddles all over the sand.
2. Jessica walked into the class reunion and requested "Take on Me" by Ah-Ha and resulted in a horrific display of one of the greatest bonerjams, causing all who witnessed it to begin whipping cake at her in disgust.

bonerjam có nghĩa là

The funk on one’s junk.


Since he hadn’t showered in a few days his feet had horrible toe jam, but his junk’s bonerjam was truly odious!

bonerjam có nghĩa là

That white shit that comes out of your dick when your having sex or jacking off. Otherwise known as cum.


Person 1: "Oh dude there's bonerjam all over my pants"
Person 2: "What?"
Person 1: "Cum."

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