Bài giảng tiếng anh lớp 9 unit 7

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BINH AN JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOL UNIT 7 English 9 Designed by Teacher Nguyen Thi Tuong Vi What should we do to save energy? What should we do to save energy?  Turning off the faucets after using  Turning off the TV or the stereo when no one is watching it or listening to it  Don’t turn on the stereo and the TV at the same time  Turning off the light if it isn’t necessary R e r P g n i d ea UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Period 43: Lesson 1 Getting started Listen and read I. Getting started II. Listen and read * Vocabulary: Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY Period 43 Lesson 1: Getting Started Listen and Read I. Getting started: II.Listen and Read: Vocabulary: - a water bill: hoá đơn tiền nước enormous = very big, huge [adj]: - …………… to lớn, khổng lồ What are they? Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY Period 43 Lesson 1: Getting Started Listen and Read I. Getting started: II.Listen and Read: Vocabulary: - water bill: hoá đơn tiền nước - enormous …………… = huge [adj]: to lớn, khổng lồ - plumber: thợ sửa đường ống nước Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY Period 43 Lesson 1: Getting Started Listen and Read I. Getting started: II.Listen and Read: * Vocabulary: - water bill: hoá đơn tiền nước - enormous …………… = huge [adj]: to lớn, khổng lồ thợ sửa đường ống nước - plumber: - dripping faucet: vòi nước bị rò rỉ Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY Period 43 Lesson 1: Getting Started Listen and Read I. Getting started: II.Listen and Read: * Vocabulary: - water bill: hoá đơn tiền nước - enormous …………… = huge [adj]: to lớn, khổng lồ thợ sửa đường ống nước - plumber: - dripping faucet: vòi nước bị rò rỉ - crack: vết nứt, vết rạn - [to] suggest + V-ing :đề nghị Ex: I suggest closing your book g n i k c e Ch y r a l u b a c Vo 1. What is this? It is a ………………… 2. This cup has a……………….in it 3. A………………………….. can waste 500 liters of water in a month. 4. My brother is a ……………………….. 5. 200.000$ ? Oh, I can not lend you such an ……………………… amount of money! UNIT 7 SAVING ENERGY LISTEN Designed by Teacher Nguyen Thi Tuong Vi 1. Mrs Ha is worried about… her water bill her children her job 2. Mrs Mi gives Mrs Ha advice on how to……………. keep fit cook save water 3. Mrs Ha suggests ………………. going shopping taking shower to save water turning on TV l i h W e R e- g n i d a True / False statements: 1. Mrs. Ha is worried about her water bill T 2. Mrs. Mi gives Mrs. Ha advice on how to save water. T 3. Mrs. Ha has checked the pipes in her house and found no cracks. F Mrs. Ha hasn’t checked the pipes in her house. 4. Mrs. Ha suggests getting some tools to check F cracks in the pipes. Mrs. Mi suggests getting a plumber to check cracks the pipes. 5. Mrs. Mi suggests taking showers to save water. in T Sharp – eyed contest PUT THE SENTENCES IN ODER 3 Firstly, Mrs Ha should get a plumber to check if there are any cracks in the pipes. 2 Mrs Mi suggests that Mrs Ha should reduce the amount of water her family uses by doing these things. 4 Secondly, she should take showers instead of baths. 5 Finally, she should remember to turn off the faucets after using. 1 Mrs Ha is worried about her water bill because it is enormous. PUT THE SENTENCES IN ODER 1 Mrs Ha is worried about her water bill because it is enormous. 2 Mrs Mi suggests that Mrs Ha should reduce the amount of water her family uses by doing these things. 3 Firstly, Mrs Ha should get a plumber to check if there are any cracks in the pipes. 4 Secondly, she should take showers instead of baths. Finally, she should remember to turn off the faucets 5 after using because a dripping faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month. Who is faster? 1. Hóa đơn tiền nước 2. Thợ sửa ống nước 3. Khổng lồ, to lớn 4. Vết rạn nứt 5. Vòi nước bị rò rỉ 6. Hãy nêu 3 cách tiết kiệm nước mà Bà Mi đã chỉ dẫn cho Bà Hà thực hiện Post Reading 1. Why is Mrs. Ha worried? Because her recent water bill is enormous. 2. How much money does Mrs. Ha pay for her water bill? She pays 200.000 dongs 3. What does Mrs. Mi advise Mrs.Ha to do? Mrs. Mi advises Mrs.Mi to get a plumber to check her water pipes and to reduce the amount of water by taking shower and turning off faucets after using. 4. How much water can be wasted a month by a dripping faucet? A dripping faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month. UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Period 43: Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read I Getting started: Listen and read * Vocabulary : - a water bill : hoá đơn tiền nước - enormous [adj] = huge[ adj]: to lớn, khổng lồ - a plumber : thợ sửa đường ống nước - a dripping faucet: vòi nước bị rò rỉ - a crack : vết nứt, vết rạn - to suggest+ V- ing suggestion: gợi ý, đóng góp ý kiến * True/ False statements 1-T 2–T 3- F. Mrs Ha hasn’t checked the pipes in her house. 4- F . Mrs Mi suggest getting a plumber to check cracks in the pipes 5- T Homework: - Learn vocabulary - Write 5 things you should do to save energy at home and at school. - Be ready for SPEAK and LISTEN Discussion Make suggestions how to save energy at home and at school. * Example: . I suggest turning off the light when we go out. Make suggestions how to save energy at home and at school. 1. Get a plumber 2. Take shower 3. Turn off the faucets after using 4. Turn off the TV or the stereo when no one watches or listens. 5. Turn off the light and the fan after school.

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GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9. Period 43 / Week 22 UNIT: 7 SAVING ENERGY Lesson 1 SECTION: - BEFORE YOU READ - LISTEN AND READ I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use understand the dialogue and about the ways to save energy -Vocabulary: - water bill: [n], reduce: [v], enormous: [adj], plumber: [adj], crack: [n] dripping faucet [adj] turn off [v], turn on: [v] pip [n] suggest - Grammar structure: - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so , therefore, however. - Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for , look after….. - Stuctures for making suggestions. III/Teaching methods and techniques: - Noughts and crosses, Gap fill, Predict dialogue, answer the question , - Rub out and remember, lucky numbers, comprehension question IV/Teaching aids: text-book, , picture cards, cassettes V/Time: VI/Procedures: 1 Check up: 2 Warm up : Chatting: Have students look at the picture on page 57 [or show the picture on the board] and ask some questions so that they can understand the picture. Is the TV on? Who is watching TV? Is the light still burning? What happens to the faucets? Should we turn the TV off? Must we pay for water and electricity we use in our home ? What should we do to save energy ? 3 NEW LESSON: SECTION :- Before you read - Listen and Read Instruction Pre reading: T- whole class: Realia Synonym Picture . Visual Content I] Pre – teach vocabulary: water bill: [n] ['wɔ:tə'bil] hóa đơn tiền nước reduce: [v] [ri'dju:s] giảm, giảm bớt, hạ enormous: [adj] [i'nɔ:məs] to lớn, khổng lồ plumber: [adj]['plʌmə] thợ hàn chì, thợ ống nước crack: [n] [kræk] nứt nẻ, rạn nứt, vỡ, gãy dripping faucet [adj] ['dripiη- 'fɔ:sit] vòi nhỏ giọt, chảy nhỏ giọt turn off [v] khóa , tắt turn on: [v] bật, vặn pip [n] [pip]: ống nước Rub out the words one atime. Each time you rub out an English word but leave the Vietnamese translation. Now, work in pairs and guess about the conservation between them. Pair work While – reading Pairs work Suggest [sə'dʒest] đề nghị; đề xuất; gợi ý turn-down ['tə:ndaun] sự bác bỏ, không thừa nhận Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember Get Ss to copy the words in their books Ask Ss to repeat the words chorally. Get Ss to come to the board and write the English words again. Check and focus on the spelling. II] True false statements prediction: Set the scene: Mr. Ha is talking to his neighbor, Mrs. Ha, and Mr. Ha look very worried. Hang the poster of statements on the board and ask students to guess which the statements are true and which are false. a] Mr. Ha is worried about his water bill. b] Mrs. Mi gives Mr. Ha advice on how to save water . c] Mrs. Ha has checked the pipes in her house and found no cracks. e] Mr. Robinson suggests talking showers because they can save water. III] Reading and checking prediction: Ask students to read the dialogue on page 57 and check their predition. Have Ss correct false staements. St. Guess Answe correction r  a T  b T c F Mr. Ha hasn’t checked the pipes in his house d F A plumber is a person who repairs water pipes  e T IV] Comprehension: Group work Post – reading: Group work: Homework: Have Ss work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions. a] Why is Mrs. Ha worried ? b] How much money does Mr. Ha pay for her water bill? c] What does Mrs.Mi advise Mrs.Ha To do? d] How much water can be wasted a month by a dripping faucet? Give feedback: Call on some Ss to answer the questions. Teacher checks and writes the answers on the board if necessary. Ask students to work in open pairs [some pairs of students practice asking and answering before the class]. Have Ss work in closed pairs> Answer keys: a] Because his recent water bill is enormous. b] he pays 200.000 dongs. c] She advises Ha to get a plumber to check her water pipes and to reduce the amount of water by taking shower and turning off faucets after use. d] A dripping faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month. Discussion: Ask Ss to work in groups, discussing the topic: “What do you do to dave energy at home and at school?”.  Possible answer: Saving energy at school and at home. + taking a shower instead of a bath. + turning off faucets after use. + making sure there are no cracks in the water pipes. + turning off lights before leaving room. + turning off TV, Radio when none watch or listen. Writing 5 things you should do to save energy at home and at school Prepare section : Speak. Learn by heart vocabulary, and structures. Period 44 / Week 22 UNIT: 7 SAVING ENERGY Lesson 2 SECTION: - SPEAK I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use understand the dialogue and about the ways to save energy -Vocabulary: - water bill: [n], reduce: [v], enormous: [adj], plumber: [adj], crack: [n] dripping faucet [adj] turn off [v], turn on: [v] pip [n] suggest - Grammar structure: - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so , therefore, however. - Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for , look after….. - Stuctures for making suggestions. III/Teaching methods and techniques: - Noughts and crosses, Gap fill, Predict dialogue, answer the question , - Rub out and remember, lucky numbers, comprehension question IV/Teaching aids: text-book, , picture cards, cassettes V/Time: VI/Procedures: 1 Check up: 2 Warm up : Kim’s game: Have students look at the poster of things dealing with activites in free time [for 20 second] on page 59 and try to remember as many activities as possible. Ss go to the board and writes the name of activities. They’ve just seen from memory. 1. go to the movies 2. play badminton 3. watch TV 4. play check 5. do homework 6. read book / go to the library 7. go skiing / 8. play game 3 NEW LESSON: SECTION :- SPEAK Instruction Content Presentation: Elicit from students to draw the exchange I Ss find out other ways of making suggest talking a shower . suggections. OK I’ll do that. I think you should take a shower . Why don’t you take a shower ? How about talking a shower ? What about taking a shower ? T- whole class Pair work Have Ss do exercise 3a on page 58 – 59 Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 59 and the tables on page 58 and make responses to the suggestions .[or use picture cue drill.] Ask Ss to do exercise 3b on page 59. Get students to look at the pictures on page 59 and make suggestions about how to save energy at home. Students work in pairs and write sown as many sentences as possible. Which pair writing most sentences gets good mark Suggestion: Response I suggest + V-ing .. OK I think we should ... That’s good idea Shall we …? All right Why don’t we ..? Let’s How about + V-ing ? No, I don’t want What about + V-ing ? to .. Let’s + infinitive I prefer to … Ask Ss look at the pictures on page 59 and the table on page 58 and make responses to the suggestions [or use pictures cue drill] Example: I suggest going to the movies. No, I don’t want to . I prefer to watch TV. a] I think we should play badminton. OK. b] Why don’t we play check? That’s a good idea. c] Shall we go to the library ? All right. d] How about watching TV ? OK. e] What about skiing ? No, I don’t want to. I prefer to play games. f] I suggest doing our homework. No, I don’t want to. I prefer to read books. Futher practice:  Possible answer: + I think we should turn off the faucets after use. + I suggest fixing the faucets. + why don’t we turn off the light before leaving rooms? + How about taking a shower instead of a bath. + isuggest putting the lid on the cooking pot when cooking Discussion: - Remind students that after suggest we can use a “that clause”. - Using the structure “Suggest + Ving”. - Using the structure “Suggest + that clause” Possible answer: “What do you do to help the poor in the neighborhood of your school” ? + Collect some money. + Colect unused clothes. + Organized a show to raise money. + Give poor families with their chores. + Give poor children books, notebooks and school things… Ex: I suggest coleccting some money. “Giving suggestions that help your friend to improve his / her English”. + Work harder on your pronunciation. + Speak English in class. + Buy a good dictionary. + Do some reading every day. + Write new vocabulary on small pieces of paper and stick everywhere in youor home. + Write diary in English. Ex: I suggest [that] you should work harder on your pronuciation. - Ask a volunteer from each group to show their ideas before class. - Give feedback. - Ask students to write what they’ve discussed in their notebook. Period 45 / Week 23 UNIT: 7 SAVING ENERGY Lesson 3 SECTION: - READ I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will know more North American and European countries save money and natural resources -Vocabulary: - consumer: [n], bulb: [n], label: [n ; v], scheme: [n], efficient : [adj]; category : [n]; ultimately: [adv], innovation: [n]; conserve [v] - Grammar structure: - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so , therefore, however. - Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for , look after….. - Stuctures for making suggestions. III/Teaching methods and techniques: - Noughts and crosses, Gap fill, Predict dialogue, answer the question , - Rub out and remember, lucky numbers, comprehension question IV/Teaching aids: text-book, , picture cards, cassettes V/Time: VI/Procedures: 1 Check up: 2 Warm up : Chatting: Use an electricity bill and a water bill to chat to Students. - What’s this ? [It’s a water bill ]. - How much is your family’s water bill ? - How much is your family’s electricity bill ? - Do you think it is enormous ? - How much electricity does your TV use everyday? - How much electricity does your fridge use everyday? - Are your parents worried about that? - Do you want to reduce the amount of electricity and water your family use? - What should you do? - Do you want to know how the people in other countries save energy? 3 NEW LESSON: Instruction Pre – reading: SECTION :- READ Content I/ Pre – teach vocabulary: consumer: [n] /kən'sju:mə/ người tiêu dùng, người tiêu thụ bulb: [n] [bʌlb] bóng đèn label: [n ; v]['leibl] nhãn hiệu dán nhãn, ghi nhãn scheme: [n] [ski:m] sự sắp xếp theo hệ thống; sự phối hợp, ke hoach efficient : [adj] [i'fi∫ənt] có hiệu lực, có hiệu quả Checking vocabulary: What and Where Have Ss repeat the word by word but leave the circle. Remember to let students repeat before and after rubbing out each word. While reading: category : [n] ['kætigəri] hạng, loại ultimately:[adv]['ʌltimətli] rút cục, cuối cùng thì innovation: [n] [,inou'vei∫n] sự đổi mới, sự cách tân conserve [v] [kən'sə:v] giữ gìn; bảo tồn Checking vocabulary: What and Where II. Pre – questions: - Give Ss two questions and ask them to discuss with their partners to predict tha answers: 1. Do people in Western countries think electricity, gas, and water are luxury? 2. Do they want to save electricity ? What do they do to spend less on lighting? III/ Reading and checking: - Have Ss read the text on page 60 – 61 to check their prediction: * Answer keys: 1. No, they don’t. They think electricity, gas, water are not luxuries but necessities. 2. Yes, they do . They use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs and there is a labeling scheme helping them use household appliances efficiently. IV/ Reading for main ideas: Have Ss read the text again and do exercise 5a. Students have to work in pairs to choose the best summary of the passage.  Which of the following is the best summary of the passage? 1. Energy saving bulb should be use to save electricity. 2. In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are necesssities. 3. North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources. 4. labeling schemes help saving energy. * Answer keys: 3. North American and European countries are intersted in saving money and natural resources. V/ Comprehension questions: - Have Ss work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions. 1. What are Western consumers interested in? 2. What can they do to spend less on lighting? 3. Mrs. Jones uses only two ordinary bulbs and she pays US$ 8 for lighting. How much will she pay if she uses two energy saving bulbs instead ? Call some students to answer the questions. The teacher checks and writes the answers on the board [if necessary]. Have Ss stick their posters on the board. Ss go around the class, read their groups’ posters. 4. What is the purpose of the labeling scheme? 5. Why should we save energy ? - Give feedback.  Answer keys: 1. Western consumers are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money. 2. They can use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watts bulbs to spend less on the lighting. 3. she will pay US$2. Because these bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs. 4. The labeling scheme helps the consumers know how energy, we’ll save money and conserve the Earth resources. * Writing: - Ask Ss to work in groups choosing a secretary then discuss the ways to spend less on lighting. The secretary from each group has to write the ideas on the poster. Possible answers: Use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt light bulbs Turn off the light before leaving the rooms. Use household appliances properly [follow the instructions]. Keep refrigerator door closed. Write the ways how to save money. Write down ideas on how to save energy. Period 46 / Week 23 UNIT: 7 SAVING ENERGY Lesson 4 SECTION: - WRITE I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a simple speech and present it before the class.[ writing a speech about saving energy. -Vocabulary: - enhance: [v] gifts: [n], offer : [v], nationwide: [n], supported - Grammar structure: - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so , therefore, however. - Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for , look after….. - Stuctures for making suggestions. III/Teaching methods and techniques: - Noughts and crosses, Gap fill, Predict dialogue, answer the question , - Rub out and remember, lucky numbers, comprehension question IV/Teaching aids: text-book, , picture cards, cassettes V/Time: VI/Procedures: 1 Check up: 2 Warm up : Shark’s attack: Draw some steps then stick the cut out girl / boy on the top the steps, the shark is in the sea B The game continues until students find out O the word BODY and the shark can’t eat D the girl / the boy Y Ask Ss to continue to guess the words. 3 NEW LESSON: SECTION :- WRITE Instruction Content I/ Vocabulary revision: Pre writing: Write the words whose letter are in a random orser Jumble words: Divide the class into two team. Ss on the board. Team which write more correct words first win the from two teams go to the board game. and write the correct words 1. usm pu = sum up [express briefly] 2. ioatnetnt = attention 3. aeidtl = detail 4. diosl = solid 5. fradt = draft enhance: [v] [in'hɑ:ns] làm tăng, nâng cao, đề cao gifts: [n] [gift] quà tặng, quà biếu offer : [v, n] ['ɔfə] sự trả giá, biếu, tặng, dâng nationwide: [n] ['nei∫nwaid] khắp cả nước; toàn Have students match each part of a speech in column A to a suitable function in column B While writing: Have students put the sections in 6b on page 62 in the correct order to from a speech. quốc support : [n,v][sə'pɔ:t] sự chống đỡ. chịu, chống, đỡ II/ Matching: column A with column B Answer keys: 1. Intrduction: B – Getting people’s attention and telling them what you are going to talk about. 2. Body: C – Giving details in easy- tounderstand language. 3. Conclusion: A – Summing up what you have said. III. Ordering: Put the following sections in the correct place to complete a speech. Answer keys: 3] Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Professor Roberts and tonight I’m going to tell you how to save money. 2] Most of us use too much gas. You can reduce this amount by: Traveling by bicycle or public transport, having a mechanic check your motorbike regularly. 1] If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner. - Call on some Ss to read aloud the speech. - Help Ss to present the speech before class naturally. III/ Writing speeches – Exhibition. - Ask each group to speech about one of these topics. * Reduce garbage. * Reusing paper. * Saving energy in the kitchen. Possible speeches: 1] Reduce garbage. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is ….. and I’m going to tell you how to reduce garbage. Most of us use to much garbage everyday. You can reduce garbage by:  Collecting plastic bags.  Not keeping solid waste with food waste.  Putting different kinds of waste in different places. If you follow those simple rules, you’ll not only reduce garbage, but also keep environment cleaner. 2] Reusing paper Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is ….. and I’m going to tell you how to reuse paper Most of us use to much paper. You can reuse paper by:  Having a separate wastebaket for waste paper.  Keeping sheets with single printed page for drafting. If you follow these rules, not only will you reduce garbage, but also you’ll save money. 3] Saving energy in the chicken. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is ….. and today I’m going to tell you how to save money. Most of us use to much electricity, especially in the kichen. You can reduce this amount by:  Turning off the lights before leaving the kitchen.  Preparing food carefully before turning on the stove.  Keeping refrigerator door closed.  If you follow these simple rules, you’ll not only save money, but also conserve the resource.  Correction: - Have a volunteer from each group present his/ her group’s speech before class. - Correct their mistakes. - Give feedback. Ask students to copy down one of these speeches in their notebooks. Period 47 / Week 24 UNIT: 7 SAVING ENERGY Lesson 5 SECTION: - LISTEN - LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will know more about solar enrgy by listening.[listening to a text for details and futher practice in making suggestions. -Vocabulary: - solar: [adj] solar panel: [n], nuclear power : [n], install: [v], population - Grammar structure: - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so , therefore, however. - Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for , look after….. - Stuctures for making suggestions. III/Teaching methods and techniques: - Noughts and crosses, Gap fill, Predict dialogue, answer the question , - Rub out and remember, lucky numbers, comprehension question IV/Teaching aids: text-book, , picture cards, cassettes V/Time: VI/Procedures: 1 Check up: 2 Warm up : Information transmitting: Divide class into two teams Choose six volunteers from each team. The volunteers stand in two lines, the teacher shows the first student in each line a sentence. The first S whisper the whole sentence to the second student in his / her line. The second S whisper to the third and so on .. and last student write it on the board. 3 NEW LESSON: Instruction Pre listening: Explaination: Translation SECTION :- WRITE Checking : Slap the board Call on two Ss or 2 teams of students to the front of the class. Make sure they stand at an equal distance from the board. Content I/ Pre – teach vocabulary: solar: [adj] ['soulə] [thuộc] mặt trời solar panel: [n] tấm kim loại để tiếp nhận năng lượng nuclear power : [n] ['nju:kliə'pauə] năng lượng hạt nhân [nguyên tử] install: [v] [in'stɔ:l] lắp đặt cài đặt population [n] [,pɔpju'lei∫n] dân cư, dân số, mật độ dân số solar power [n] ['soulə'pauə] năng lượng mặt trời Checking vocabulary: Slap the board II/ True – Fale statements prediction: Ask Ss to look at the statements on page 60 a4. Have they work in pairs and guess which statements are true and which one are false. While Listening - have Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction. Get Ss to correct the false statement. Group work Pair work Individual 1. Solar energy can be cheap and clean. 2. Most of our electricity now comes from nuclear power. 3. The solar energy that gets to the Earth canot provide enough power for the word’s population. 4. Solar energy can be used on cloudy days. 5. All building in Sweden will be heated by solar energy in 2050 Give feedback: III/ Listening and checking * Answer key: 1. True 2. False: => Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, oil ar nuclear power.. 3. False: = > 1% of the solar energy that gets to the Earth can provide enough power for the word’s population. 4. True. 5. False: => They will be heated by solar energy in 2015. Tape transcript: “Are you sure looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources? Look no futher than solar energy from our sun. at present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal and gas, oil or nuclear power . This power could be provided by the sun. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for the total population. Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the Sun’s energy is used to heat water. The energy can be stored for a number of days, do on cloudy days you can use solar energy too. Sweden has an advanced solar energy program. There, all buidings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year 2015”. Gap – filling: - Have students look at exercise 4b on page 60 and work in pair to guess the words in blanks - Give feedback: - Have Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps . if students can’t finish, let them listen once more. Pair work Post listening Individual work * Answer keys: 1] The sun can be an effective source of power. 2] Solar energy doesn’t cause pollution. 3] A lot countries in the world are already using solar energy. 4] It is possible to store solar energy for a number of days. 5] Solar panels are installed on the roof of a house to receive the energy from the sun. 6] We can save natural resources by using solar energy instead of coal, gas and oil. Write it up: Have students write a passage [about 100 words] about solar energy. Using the information in the two exercises above. Sample: Most of our electricity now comes from coal, gas oil, or nuclear power. The sun could provide this power so many countries are already using energy. Only one percent of the solar energy that gets to the Earth can provide enough power for the world’s population. Solar energy is a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t cause popllution or waste natural resources. There’s an advanced solar energy program in sweden. It is said that by the year of 2015, all buildings in sweden will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power too. We hope that there is such a program in Vietnam. We can save natural resources such as coal, oil, gas… by using solar energy. And every household in Vietnam has hot water in winter without paying money. Period 48 / Week 24 UNIT: 7 SAVING ENERGY Lesson 5 SECTION: - LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 - 2 I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the connectives: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however and some phrasal verbs. -Vocabulary: - solar: [adj] solar panel: [n], nuclear power : [n], install: [v], population - Grammar structure: - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so , therefore, however. - Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for , look after….. - Stuctures for making suggestions. III/Teaching methods and techniques: - Noughts and crosses, Gap fill, Predict dialogue, answer the question , - Rub out and remember, lucky numbers, comprehension question IV/Teaching aids: text-book, , picture cards, cassettes V/Time: VI/Procedures: 1 Check up: 2 Warm up : Bingo: Ask Ss to write down in their notebooks 5 verbs with prepositions. Prepare a list of verbs + prepositions . then call out each word in a loud voice. Students listen to the teacher carefully. If anyone has the same verbs + prepositions, they cross it out the first student crossing out all 5 verbs + prepositions shout “ Bingo” and the game. * Suggested list of verbs + prepositions: Look for look after look at look away look in look out Turn off turn on turn down turn up turn over turn up 3 NEW LESSON: SECTION :- WRITE Instruction Content Presentation: Presentation 1: Provide students 5 verbs + Answer keys: pepositions and then ask them to - Picture 1: look after the baby match the verbs with the pictures - Picture 2: go on [ wasting paper] on page 64 - Picture 3: turn on TV - Picture 4: look for - Picture 5: turn off the faucet. Language Focus 2 : they have to use suitable verbs to complete the sentences. Answer keys: 1] Hanh can’t go to the movies with us tonight. She will have to look after her little sister. 2] If we go on wasting water , there will be a shortage of fresh water in a few decades. 3] Turn on the Tv for me , will you ? I want to watch weather the forecast. 4] I think I’ve lost my new pen. I’ ve looked for it everywhere and I can’t find it anywhere. 5] Mrs. Yen forgot to turn off the faucet when she left for work. * Brainstorming: However Therefore and so or But Because connectives Moreover - Ask Ss to think of connectives that they’ve learnt. - Have students go to the board and write down the connectives. - Give feedback - Ask students to give Vietnames meanings Practice 2: Have Ss work individually to do the exercise Language focus 1 on page 63. They have to complete the sentences by using correct connectives.  Answer keys a] Mrs Quyen bought corn, potatoes and cabbage at the market. b] I’d love to play voleyball but I have to complete an assignment. c] Nam got wet because he forgot hiss umbrella. d] Hoa failed her math test. Therefore, she has to do the test again. e] Do they wantVietnamese tea or milk tea? f] It’s raining, so I can’t go to the beach. g] Ba’s hobbies are playing foothball and collecting stamps. h] Na is very tired. However, she has to finish her homework before she goes to bed . Ask students to work in pairs to compare their answers. Give feedback. Have some students read aloud the completed sentences, check their pronunciation and the meanings. Noughts and Crosses: Divide class into 2 teams. One team is Nought [0] and the other is Cross [X] 1. or 2 and 3 so 4, but 5 therefore 6 however 7 so 8 because 9 and Possible answers: 1] Do you want to take a bath or take a shower? 2] I’ll get a plumber to check the pipes and repair the faucets. 3] He got up late so he had to take a taxi to school . 4] It’s raining but he is still going swimming. 5] Her English is not good therefore she decides to practices more. 6] Lan 7] Baths use twice as much water, so I suggest taking showers . 8] The water bill is enormous this month because there is a crack in the pipes. 9] I suggest taking showers and fixing the faucet. Homework: Ask Ss to write 5 sentences with connectives 1] therefore 2] because 3] however 4] or 5 so.

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