a tara là gì - Nghĩa của từ a tara

a tara có nghĩa là

Tara is a girl who is absolutely perfect and beautiful. She may be shy at first, but once you get to know her she could be friendly, crazy and loving. She supports all her friends and helps them through all their problems. Tara is a caring person and will always be there for someone.


Jack: "See that girl over there? What's her name?"
Steve: "I don't know, but she looks like a Tara."

a tara có nghĩa là

Tara is a seemingly strong, beautiful girl who all the boys want. She is short but keeps her head held high. Is a workaholic. Is very self sufficient. You can never change her mind once it is set. Is desperately searching for a fairy tale ending but still feels like her life hasn't even begun. Is a very talented singer and can play many instruments. Has learned not to let people in so easily. Doesn't trust easily. Is insecure about herself but refuses to show it. Gets stressed easily. But often likes to be in a good mood. When she is around everyone knows it! loud, obnoxious, jealous, goofy, dances all the time. Is a natural flirt [often doesn't realize she is doing it.] knows every lyric to every song. Is a very funny person, always fun to be around. Has a million different genuine laughs! only the people closest to her can tell when shes faking. Always tries to make people feel comfortable. Is good at keeping conversation. Is a very well-known person. Everybody loves Tara. The only haters Tara has are just people who are jealous of her. Is a natural leader. Hates following others but is afraid to take the responsibility to lead herself. Loves family. very protective. And is great with kids. Tara is a wonderful person who anyone would be extremely lucky to know or be close to.
Everybody loves Tara!!!


person 1: hey thats tara! person 2: oh ive heard about her! shes awesome! person 3: i wish i could be like tara!

a tara có nghĩa là

An Irish name [the best kind]. Tara is a wonderful friend, slightly crazy and hyper when she eats sour stuff or drinks coffee. She isn't exactly normal, but then again normal is boring. A Tara is a tolerant person, clever, artistic and popular, typically has GORGEOUS hair and is a bit on the short side. Occasionally self-deprecating. Very generous. A great best friend!


Person 1: Who's that?
Me: My best friend, she's called Tara.
Person 1: Wow, I wish I was friends with Tara!
Me: You totally do, man

a tara có nghĩa là

Those named Tara are completely perfect. There aren't very many of them out there. You won't find anyone else like her. She is very talented, unrealistically beautiful, loves to joke and laugh, weird [but a cute kind of weird], she will always put a smile on your face even if you just look at her, and she's the coolest girl you'll meet. She is the most perfect girlfriend anybody could ever have. When you're not with her, she's all you'll ever think about.


Boy 1: "Damn that girl Tara is perfect!"
Boy 2: "Seriously! I would do anything to have her!" Girl 1: "I hate Tara! She is gorgeous and all the boys want her! Ahh I'm just so jealous!"
Girl 2: "Me too! I wish I could look just like her!"

a tara có nghĩa là

A Tara can be shy and nice at first but when you get closer to her, she can be sensitive and emotional. She is drop-dead gorgeous, kind-hearted, funny, pretty, lovable, and anything that's perfect. If you find a Tara, never let her go. If you love her, don't make her hurt. A Tara is like pure-gold that is only found once.


"Omg look it's a Tara!"
"Totally. I would date a Tara."

a tara có nghĩa là

Tara is a great friend, brilliant, epic, dashing,lovable, basically every compliment you can possibly think of. She is always there for you and is [mostly [;] nice.


I love Tara to neutrons , she is the best person in the world!

a tara có nghĩa là

That one person who you meet and you immediately want to be friends with. you have the best of times with her! her parents are loose too so they are cool to be around too. alone with her yo can have a long deep conversation about your problems and her problems and she loves coldplay!! she doesn't like when people have the same name as her though, especially when they put shame into the name.


"i wish i could be friends with tara..." "wow tara looks like fun to hang with"

a tara có nghĩa là

This person will be the most beautiful person that you will ever meet in your life. This person has the best personality around and is the sweetest. There is no more beautiful than this person, and there is no more sweeter than this person. This person timid and looks down upon theirselves. They need to be shown of their tru beauty because they have no clue as to how beautiful they actually are. So if this girl is ever with you treat her the BEST make sure that every word that comes out your mouth is deserved by her because this girl deserves the best.


When Tara smiles its precious

a tara có nghĩa là

Tara is the kindness person you will ever meet. She loves animals and is a blessing to man kind. She is shy but has a extrodanary personality once you get to meet her. She is a godess. You are lucky if you ever get to meet a Tara.


Tara is a godess

a tara có nghĩa là

the act of giving crazy mother eyes


my mom pulled a tara when i told her i was going out.

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