10 công ty thép hàng đầu châu Âu năm 2023

Ngày 6/10/2021, Hãng dữ liệu của Anh quốc Refinitiv Eikon [tiền thân là Thomson Reuters Data] công bố Top 30 công ty thép vốn hóa lớn nhất thế giới. Tập đoàn Hòa Phát [HPG] đứng thứ 15 trong danh sách này với mức vốn hóa 11 tỷ đô la Mỹ, lớn hơn vốn hóa của Tập đoàn Thép hàng đầu Nhật Bản là JFE Holdings.

Hòa Phát lọt Top 15 công ty thép vốn hóa lớn nhất thế giới [nguồn: Theo Refinitiv Eikon ngày 6/10/2021]

Nhà sản xuất thép có sản lượng hàng đầu Nhật Bản là JFE Holdings có vốn hóa 8,9 tỷ đô la Mỹ, đứng thứ 19. Một doanh nghiệp thép lớn của Úc là BlueScope Steel cũng góp mặt trong danh sách này với vốn hóa 7,3 tỷ đô la Mỹ tương đương vị trí số 23 trong danh sách.

Với công suất thép thô 8 triệu tấn/năm, Hòa Phát hiện là nhà sản xuất thép lớn nhất Việt Nam cũng như khu vực Đông Nam Á và tương đương nhà sản xuất thép Top 50 thế giới.

Tập đoàn Hòa Phát hiện có vốn điều lệ 44.729 tỷ đồng, lớn thứ 4 trong số các doanh nghiệp niêm yết trên sàn giao dịch chứng khoán Việt Nam. Trong phiên giao dịch ngày 6/10, cố phiếu HPG của Tập đoàn Hòa Phát chính thức lập đỉnh mới khi đóng cửa ở mức 56.100 đồng. Với tổng số 4,4 tỷ cổ phiếu đang lưu hành, mức vốn hóa của HPG đạt 250.000 tỷ đồng, tương đương 11 tỷ đô la Mỹ.
Lũy kế 9 tháng 2021, Tập đoàn Hòa Phát đạt sản lượng thép thô 6,1 triệu tấn, tăng 50% so với cùng kỳ. Sản lượng bán hàng các sản phẩm thép đạt 6,3 triệu tấn, tăng 43%. Trong đó, thép xây dựng là 2,8 triệu tấn, tăng 12%. Thép cuộn cán nóng [HRC] đạt gần 2 triệu tấn. Tôn Hòa Phát ghi nhận 273.000 tấn, gấp 2,6 lần cùng kỳ.

HPG News

Theo đại diện Công ty Thép Hòa Phát Hưng Yên, lô hàng thép dây cuộn sản xuất theo tiêu chuẩn ASTM Mỹ, carbon thấp. Sản phẩm được dùng để rút dây hoặc làm lưới thép [wiremesh] thông dụng. Thời gian giao hàng dự kiến trong tháng 2/2023, xuất từ Khu liên hợp sản xuất gang thép Hòa Phát Dung Quất – Quảng Ngãi.

Mặt hàng thép dài của Hòa Phát đã xuất khẩu sang thị trường Châu Mỹ, Châu Á, Châu Phi, châu Úc. Với đơn hàng Châu Âu này, sản phẩm thép dài của Hòa Phát đã có mặt ở cả 5 châu. Việc khai thác các thị trường mới giúp Hòa Phát đa dạng hóa thị trường tiêu thụ, đồng thời góp phần thu ngoại tệ và cân bằng cán cân thương mại của Việt Nam.

Ngoài hàng thép dài, Hòa Phát đã xuất khẩu thép dẹt [HRC], tôn đi châu Âu.

Với dây chuyền công nghệ sản xuất hiện đại, khép kín, sản xuất thép từ quặng theo công nghệ lò cao, Hòa Phát cung cấp cho thị trường mác thép đa dạng, chất lượng cao, đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn khắt khe của đối tác nước ngoài và có sức cạnh tranh trên thị trường thế giới.

11 tháng vừa qua, Tập đoàn Hòa Phát đã xuất khẩu 1,1 triệu tấn thép xây dựng [gồm thép thanh, thép cuộn chất lượng cao] tới nhiều quốc gia, vùng lãnh thổ khác nhau như Nhật Bản, Hàn Quốc, Malaysia, Singapore, Hồng Kông, Mỹ, Canada, Úc…Trong đó, gần 50% sản lượng xuất khẩu là thép thanh chất lượng cao, mác thép B500B và 500B, đạt tiêu chuẩn BS4449 và CS2:2012 của Anh quốc [UK Cares].

Ngoài đơn hàng xuất khẩu sang thị trường Châu Âu, Hòa Phát đã ký một số đơn hàng xuất khẩu tới các thị trường truyền thống như Canana, Campuchia, Hàn Quốc, Thái Lan... giao hàng trong tháng 1, tháng 2/2023.

Tập đoàn Hòa Phát [mã HPG] vừa ký kết hợp đồng xuất khẩu lô hàng 10.000 tấn thép dây cuộn sang châu Âu. Đây là đơn hàng thép dài [long products] đầu tiên của công ty xuất sang khu vực này.

Theo đại diện Công ty Thép Hòa Phát Hưng Yên, lô hàng thép dây cuộn sản xuất theo tiêu chuẩn ASTM Mỹ, carbon thấp. Sản phẩm được dùng để rút dây hoặc làm lưới thép [wiremesh] thông dụng. Thời gian giao hàng dự kiến trong tháng 2/2023, xuất từ Khu liên hợp sản xuất gang thép Hòa Phát Dung Quất – Quảng Ngãi.

Mặt hàng thép dài của Hòa Phát đã xuất khẩu sang thị trường châu Mỹ, châu Á, châu Phi, châu Úc. Với đơn hàng châu Âu này, sản phẩm thép dài của Hòa Phát đã có mặt ở cả 5 châu. Ngoài hàng thép dài, Hòa Phát đã xuất khẩu thép dẹt [HRC], tôn đi châu Âu.

11 tháng vừa qua, Tập đoàn Hòa Phát đã xuất khẩu 1,1 triệu tấn thép xây dựng [gồm thép thanh, thép cuộn chất lượng cao] tới nhiều quốc gia, vùng lãnh thổ khác nhau như Nhật Bản, Hàn Quốc, Malaysia, Singapore, Hồng Kông, Mỹ, Canada, Úc…Trong đó, gần 50% sản lượng xuất khẩu là thép thanh chất lượng cao, mác thép B500B và 500B, đạt tiêu chuẩn BS4449 và CS2:2012 của Anh quốc [UK Cares].

Ngoài đơn hàng xuất khẩu sang thị trường châu Âu, Hòa Phát cho biết đã ký một số đơn hàng xuất khẩu tới các thị trường truyền thống như Canana, Campuchia, Hàn Quốc, Thái Lan... giao hàng trong tháng 1, tháng 2/2023.

Cùng với nhóm thép, cổ phiếu HPG phục hồi tốt thời gian gần đây. Từ vùng thấp nhất 12.000 đồng hồi đầu tháng 11, mã đã tăng 58% lên vùng 19.000 đồng. Các mã thép khác NKG, HSG, POM… cũng tăng tương ứng.

Sau khi giảm sâu 50-80% từ mức đỉnh, các cổ phiếu thép dần phục hồi trong bối cảnh ngành phát tín hiệu bớt khó khăn hơn. VNDirect nhận định, giá bán thép vẫn tiếp tục giảm trong tháng 10, 11 nhưng biên lợi nhuận gộp của các công ty thép sẽ phục hồi từ quý 4/2022 khi hết hàng tồn kho giá cao đã được ghi nhận vào giá vốn hàng bán của quý trước đó.

Các công ty thép đã giảm mức tồn kho xuống chỉ còn 2-3 tháng trong quý 4/2022 so với mức 4-5 tháng tại cuối quý 2/2022. Điều này sẽ làm giảm rủi ro từ việc trích lập giảm giá hàng tồn kho. Bên cạnh đó, việc giá giao ngay của các nguyên vật liệu đầu vào [quặng sắt, than cốc, thép phế] cũng đang dần quay về mức trung bình. Vì vậy, lợi nhuận của các công ty thép sẽ sớm chạm đáy.

Việc Trung Quốc dần mở cửa trở lại cũng là tín hiệu khả quan với ngành thép, khi nước này đẩy mạnh hoạt động xây dựng và đầu tư cơ sở hạ tầng, giúp nhu cầu thép xây dựng và tăng giá bán. Đồng thời, nhu cầu sản xuất công nghiệp tăng tại Trung Quốc cũng sẽ giúp chuỗi cung ứng toàn cầu được khôi phục. Từ đó giúp các công ty xuất khẩu tôn mạ được hưởng lợi gián tiếp.

Nhờ chi phí sản xuất cạnh tranh, HPG có khả năng xuất khẩu thép sang Trung Quốc. Trong giai đoạn 2020-2021, công ty đã bán lần lượt 1,7-1,2 triệu tấn phôi thép sang nước láng giềng.

Showing 10 out of 50 companies. Subscribe to unlock more.

ArcelorMittal SA, POSCO Holdings Inc, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Nippon Steel Corp, and Nucor Corp are the top 5 steel companies in the world in 2021 by revenue. Cumulatively, the top 10 steel companies in the world generated revenue of $396,431 million, with average revenue growth of 32.7%, where the highest revenue was generated by ArcelorMittal SA [$76,571 million], followed by POSCO Holdings Inc [$66,718 million], while the lowest increases were registered by Angang Steel Co Ltd [$21,190 million]. The highest revenue growth was registered by Nucor Corp [81.2%], followed by Hunan Valin Steel Co Ltd [47.2%], while Nippon Steel Corp reported a decline in its revenues by 18.5%. In terms of the geographical split, 8 out of the world's top 10 steel companies are based in Asia, while 1 is based in Europe, and the remaining 1 is based in North America. They employed a total of 581,439 people in 2021. Luxembourg-based ArcelorMittal SA is the largest steel company in the world [by revenue]. The company reported revenues of $76,571 million for the fiscal year ended December 2021 [FY2021], an increase of 43.7% over FY2020. The company is an integrated steel manufacturing company. It manufactures and markets a range of finished and semi-finished steel products. As of December 31, 2021, the company had steelmaking operations in 16 countries, including 37 integrated and mini-mill steel-making facilities. It serves the automotive, appliance, engineering, construction, and machinery industries in approximately 160 countries. The company employs 158,000 people. POSCO Holdings Inc is one of the leading steel companies in the world [by revenue]. The company reported revenues of $66,718 million for the fiscal year ended December 2021 [FY2021], an increase of 32.1% over FY2020. The company is an integrated steel manufacturing company. It produces and markets steel rolled products and plates globally. POSCO also offers planning, designing, and construction of industrial plants, civil engineering projects, and commercial and residential buildings. The company operates through four reportable business segments: Steel, Trading, Construction, and Others and it employs 36,619 people.

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There are many companies in Europe and other parts of the world but if you want to talk about the top 10 you better know them well. ArcelorMittal has operations in more than 60 countries and is headquartered on Avenue Liberty, Luxembourg. The company was formed in 2006 by the merger of Arcelor and Mittal Steel. The company employs 232,000 people and produces 10% of the world's steel. ArcelorMittal plays an important role in supplying steel to the domestic, packaging, automotive, and construction markets. Overall, Europe produces 47% of the steel, the US produces 35%, and the rest of the world [Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and South Africa] produces 18% of global steel. At the start of the merger, the multinational steel company announced 35 deals globally. The company continues to invest and announce deals in Australia, France, South Africa, Canada, Brazil, Turkey, Costa Rica, Sweden, Venezuela, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates. The NSSMC [Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation] factory was established in 2012 in collaboration with Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal. NSSMC is the world's second-largest steel supplier with almost 83,000 employees in 15 countries. The company provides steel for construction, automotive, construction, energy, resources, and railways. Hebei Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. The state-owned enterprise is headquartered in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, the People's Republic of China. The facility has an annual steel production capacity of 30 million tons, making the company China's largest steel supplier. The company mainly produces wire rods, cold-rolled plates, hot-rolled steel, rod, hot-rolled plate, vanadium pentoxide, galvanized plates, welded pipes and other products as required.
Baosteel is one of the world's largest steel suppliers. Baosteel Group was established in 1978 and is headquartered in Pudong, Shanghai, China. The company has 130,401 employees and produces stainless steel, carbon steel and other steel products, which are exported to more than 40 countries. The company supplies steel for applications such as automotive, petrochemical, transportation, nuclear energy, household appliances, metalworking, energy, mechanical engineering, electronic instrumentation and aerospace. Wuhan Iron and Steel Group is headquartered in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. The company was founded in 1958 and is known as China's first major steel conglomerate. In addition, the company also supplies silicone products, cold-rolled products, hot-rolled products, profile products, plate products, wire products, etc. POSCO, commonly known as POSCO, was established in 1968 and has become one of the largest steel producers in the world. Headquartered in Posco, South Korea, POSCO has two main plants in Pohang and Gwangyang, which together produce 33.7 million tons of steel annually. Flat steel, long steel, plate, and wire rod are the main products of our factory. Jiangsu Shagang is one of the five largest steel producers in China.
The company is located in Hangjia Port, Jiangsu, China, and was established in 1975. With an annual output of nearly 18 million tons of iron, the production line consists of wire rod, hot-rolled wide strips, rods and plates. Tata Steel Group was founded in 1868 by Jamsetji. Tata Corporation is headquartered in India and has over 581,470 employees worldwide. Tata's revenue in 2013-14 was USD 103.27 billion [approx. Rs 624,757 crore], of which 67.2% came from companies outside India. Founded in 1953 as Korea's first steel producer, Hyundai Steel has paved the way for sustainable growth by strengthening its blast furnace business as a new growth engine. JFE Steel Corporation was established in 1950 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company was formerly known as Kawasaki Steel Co., Ltd., and changed its name to JFE Steel Co., Ltd. in April 2003. The company supplies steel sheets, electrical panels, pipes, stainless steel products, steel rods, wires, etc. Statistics of China's steel production in January-February 2022 According to Artan Press, China's steel production from January to February was as follows: Crude steel production: 157.96 million tonnes, a decrease of 10.0% year-on-year Production of hot metal: 132.13 million tonnes, a decrease of 10.8% year-on-year. Finished steel production: 196.71 million The Bureau of Statistics also released data on its major downstream steel industries on Tuesday.
* Downstream steel industry-related data The newly started construction area was 149.67 million square meters, a decrease of 12.2% compared to the previous year's Infrastructure investments: an increase of 8.1% compared to the previous year. * Data related to car production and sales On March 14, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers [CAAM] released car production and sales data for the first two months of 2022. January-February production: 4.24 million units, up 8.8% from the previous year January-February sales: 4.27 million units, a year-on-year increase of 7.5% Production in February: 1.81 million units, a year-on-year increase of 20.6% and a decrease of 25.2% from January. February sales: 1.74 million units were produced, up 18.7% year-on-year. In addition, the amount fell by 31.4% on a monthly basis. World steel production in 2021 will increase by 3.7% compared to the previous year. But the industry is already overshadowed by the war in Eastern Europe in 2022. The disruption of Russian steel and iron ore production and exports due to sanctions and war conditions, as well as the destruction of Ukrainian steel production and iron ore export infrastructure, have affected world markets, causing instability and distortions in supply and prices.
Although the event has had the greatest impact on European steel, other countries are also feeling the aftermath of the war, as the world's economic markets are interdependent and intertwined. At present, the policy of the great steel mills appears to be somewhat confusing and somewhat uncertain. The volatility in China's steel market has contributed to the shrinking of the country's steel supply and demand system. New policies in the housing sector and the Chinese steel producers' desire to change technology and produce more value-adding durable and green steel have had an impact. China's steel production fell by 2.5% in the first four months of 2022, which in addition to low steel production also affected the global iron ore market. The country imports a significant portion of the iron ore it needs. Falling demand will reduce imports and, at best, iron ore stocks in Chinese ports, leading to price volatility in the iron ore market. Despite strict Covid-19 policies, with the unveiling of new laws in the housing sector in China resulting in reduced demand and a decline in steel production, steel production and iron ore mining and exports have also created suitable opportunities for countries like India.

steel companies in Europe

India responded to the growing demand for steel companies in the country especially in Europe by relicensing iron ore mining and exports in Karnataka and easing restrictions in two other regions. It looks like Indian steel production will continue to grow in the first half of this year. Disruptions in iron ore exports from Ukraine and Russia have angered the European steelmaking market. The use of several European charters to treat existing conditions has not been successful and will take a long time. Brazil's steel production fell by 4% and iron ore exports fell by 3%, suggesting that the country has not taken advantage of wartime conditions in Eastern Europe.
A series of such events and other matters and factors have led experts to reduce demand growth in the steel industry to a range of 0.4% to 0.5%. As such, any upward trend in demand growth depends on changes in steel policy in the second half of the year, particularly in China and the EU. In 2021, Iran's steel production ranks higher than countries such as Italy, Spain, France, Canada, Great Britain, and the Netherlands. However, the comparison of national steel production in 2020 and 2021 shows that national production in 2021 will be 1.8% lower than in 2020. The decline in steel production last year and in the first four months of 2022 was a serious wake-up call for steel throughout the country. It has been reported that Iranian steel production fell by 8.9% in the period, just as the heat set in and concerns intensified due to factory power outages and a significant drop in production.
Iran loses nearly 10 million tons a year, worth $6 billion, due to power and gas outages in summer and winter. Efforts by domestic steel producers to maintain competitive conditions in the production market have forced these companies to intensify their activities at a time of power and gas outages. This increases the depreciation cost of parts, shortens the time to reach the annual breakdown time of the production plant and reduces the steel production capacity. The Ukrainian war affected steel supplies in the Commonwealth of Independent States. This can be seen as an opportunity for us to fill this production gap through production and export. Of course, we have to admit that we will be in tough competition with Indian and Turkish companies.
At the same time, sanctions against Iran's steel industry, weak infrastructure, and challenges in energy, transportation, and lack of financial resources and banking support will be a weakness leading to such a thing. On the other hand, Russia's dumping policy and the fact that the price of steel products in the country is close to the price of our products is also a serious threat that can encourage our export destination countries to buy from Russia. Although this move by Russia is in the country's national interest, it is against international standards. So far, the country's steel export markets, such as China, South Korea, and even India, have tended to buy Russian products. Through this action, these countries can buy most of the iron ore they need at reasonable prices. On the other hand, Russia has also reduced the impact of EU sanctions, even the damage caused by dumping.
At present, these two problems are the two major challenges facing domestic steel this year. Two challenges undermine the growth and development of steel and investment opportunities in the sector. To get out of the current situation, we need to implement realistic policies that are in the national interest. Today, economic competition is not one-dimensional but mixed with other dimensions such as political, social and international. For example, the embargo of the Persian Gulf countries against Qatar, the growth of the country's construction industry due to the upcoming World Cup, provides a rare opportunity for the development of Iranian exports, but wrong policies on the international stage and lack of proper understanding of the opportunity As a result, we were unable to exploit this opportunity in the best possible way like Turkey. Knowing that achieving 55 million tons of production in 1404 requires the removal of any infrastructure barriers, it must be said that the solution to the energy crisis requires interaction and cooperation between upstream institutions and producers.
Facilitating the operational process of plant construction for steel producers and ensuring a return on investment for these companies are two important aspects of tackling the energy challenge. To deal with Russia's dumping policy, we have to rely on economic diplomacy. It goes without saying that the resolution of the sanctions issue will open an important door for us to invest in and conquer the European market in an era of Russian sanctions. The increase in Iranian steel production capacity can be found in terms of both external and internal factors. Regarding the diplomatic factor, it should be mentioned within the national foreign policy. This sector has faced significant turmoil in recent years; during this period, Iran has faced hostile political actions and sanctions from Western governments, a factor that still has a wide and deep impact on the country's economic situation.

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Những chuyến đi của nhà máy thép lớn nhất châu Âu, nhà máy thép lớn nhất châu Âu.ex-Ilva”, Europe's largest steel plant.

Ai làm thép ở châu Âu?

Tata Steel Ijmuiden B.V. Fujitsu Technology Solutions [Holding] B.V. Goodyear Dunlop Tyres Operations S.A. IJmuiden B.V. Fujitsu Technology Solutions [Holding] B.V. GOODYEAR DUNLOP TIRES OPERATIONS S.A.

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Các công ty sản xuất thép hàng đầu 2021.

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